Friday, January 18, 2008

Thank you to all!

It has been a while since we have been able to update our blog because we have been so busy in school. Here is out official map of postcards sent and received:

You can tell that we are getting many postcards and sending out many as well.

We have been receiving "official"postcrossing postcards from Finland, Germany, Latvia, Czech Republic and New Zealand. We have also received cards from others in Jamaica, England and France.

Here are some pictures of our most recent cards:

This one comes from Angharad in New Zealand. This postcard shows off a Maori Meeting house on the island of Marae. You must remove your shoes before entering this building to show respect. The two official languages of New Zealand are English and Maori. "Kia Ora" means "hello" in Maori.

This card is from Anja in Leipzig, Germany. Children in Germany enjoy many of the same things as children in the USA. They like to watch TV, play video games and play sports like soccer (they call it football) and horseback riding.

This postcard shows off the buildings in Strasbourg, France. This city is very close to Germany. This is the city where you can find the European Parliament!

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